What is an MBA in HR? How to choose the right for yourself?

What is an MBA in HR? How to choose the right for yourself?

A company has various departments, and all of them are equally important for the successful functioning of the firm. However, some departments assume greater importance, and HR is one of them. It is especially true in modern times when having the right person in every position is critical for an organisation. The human resource department is tasked with finding the most suitable person when a vacancy arises. They also have many other responsibilities concerned with the growth and development of employees in a firm. Having an MBA in HR helps these professionals do their job well. 

For those looking to become HR professionals, the Executive Post-Graduate Programme In HRM is an ideal course to master all necessary skills. More details about this course are available on our website. Let us start with understanding what this course is all about.

What Is An MBA In HR?

The course is a master's degree programme focussing on developing management and business skills with a specialisation in human resource management. Managing the people in an organisation is a critical process. This course equips attendees with the skills and knowledge to do the job successfully. The MBA in HR programme familiarises participants with the latest HR practices and trends around the globe. Students of the course learn how to use their human resources to get the best out of them. The programme also creates an awareness of how companies must treat their employees. 

Participants in these courses learn various topics like recruitment and selection, training employees, labour laws, organisational behaviour, business strategy, etc. They also learn how to decide the compensation for each employee in the company. The MBA in HR course teaches the attendees various methods of evaluating their employees and rewarding them suitably. The participants learn how to use available data to make informed decisions. The course also teaches them ways to enhance employee performance and productivity. These courses are very useful for those wishing to advance in their career as HR professionals.

Before we look at how to choose the right course, let us understand the roles of an HR manager in an organisation. 

Roles Of HR Manager 



1. Staff Planning

This is the primary role of an HR manager. It probably starts before the company starts functioning fully. Every organisation must have the required number of employees to complete all jobs and take the company to its goal. There must be people possessing all the necessary skills for all business needs. HR managers must also make sure that the employees in a company are capable of handling additional responsibilities in future. Staff planning is a continuous process. An MBA in HR teaches its participants that there is always a need for proper planning of staff so that the firm's work doesn't suffer. 

2. Recruitment

It is a critical task that HR professionals must be capable of handling. They must find out the staffing requirements from various departments and hire the right people to fill those vacancies. It is necessary that the HR officials are clear about the objectives of the company and choose such people who can contribute to their achievement. These professionals must know to attract the best hands in the market for the firm. Students attending the MBA in HR learn how to improve the image of the company as a good employer. 

3. Onboarding And Orientation

It is not enough to hire a person. A new employee has to start working among older employees who are more familiar with the ways of the organisation. It is possible that the existing staff may not be very cordial with a new employee. HR officials must ensure the comfort of new employees. They must also train the new person in the procedures and policies of the company. These professionals must also make sure that the new recruit understands the culture of the organisation and behaves accordingly. Participants in the MBA in HR learn how to use older employees to train the new person.

4. Ensure Good Employee Relationships

Employees in a modern workplace can come from any background. They may come from other regions in the country or even from abroad. In such an environment, there are bound to be differences of opinion due to differences in cultural backgrounds. It is the duty of HR professionals to make sure that employees in a company maintain good relationships with each other. It is crucial for the smooth functioning of the establishment and the achievement of its objectives. Conflict resolution is a topic that is dealt with in detail in the MBA in HR programmes offered by reputed institutions. 

5. Training And Development

Technology advances at a fast pace, and this means that employees must constantly upskill to improve efficiency. Companies must make sure that their workers are familiar with the latest tools and techniques. It can greatly improve productivity and ensure better performance. It is here that training becomes important. HR managers must regularly check the skills gaps and arrange for necessary training for the staff members. Providing training makes the employees feel that the company is interested in their growth. You can learn about training methods in the MBA in HR courses. 

6. Performance Management

All organisations have business goals, and this requires them to function to a certain level. It is the duty of HR professionals to make sure that every department functions to its required level and contributes to the success of the firm. It is here that performance management becomes crucial. Human resource managers must implement performance management programmes to help evaluate how the employees are working. They must provide feedback to the employees on their performance and give the necessary support for improvement. One can learn different methods of performance management in the MBA in HR programmes. 

7. Compensation And Benefits

All employees work to earn money and fulfil their personal ambitions. It is necessary for companies to ensure that all workers are paid adequately. HR managers must regularly understand the industry compensation standards and ensure that the firm meets them. If the company pays less, it is possible that good employees will not stay there for long. Offering the right compensation also helps to attract good hands from the market. Apart from compensation, staff members must also be provided benefits to help them have a good life. The MBA in HR course will teach you the importance of giving adequate compensation. 

8. Ensure Compliance

There are various laws regulating companies with regard to workers and their benefits. It is necessary that all companies follow these rules, failing which they are liable to pay heavy penalties. It is the HR department that must familiarise itself with these rules and inform all departments about them. There are laws guiding companies about how much they must pay their workers. Governments also lay down regulations on working hours and health benefits. Those attending the MBA in HR also learn about the safety regulations that different industries must follow. HR managers must keep the company compliant with all rules.

9. Employee Engagement

Employee engagement refers to the degree to which an employee feels committed to the firm. There are different types of engagement physical, emotional and cognitive. Physical engagement is based on the amount of exertion an employee puts into his job. Those who are passionate about their job and have a positive outlook are said to be emotionally engaged with the firm. There are those who are completely absorbed in their jobs, and this is what is called cognitive engagement. The MBA in HR teaches various methods to keep employees engaged, like team-building activities, recognition, etc. 

10. Succession Planning

Nobody remains in the job permanently. People leave companies when they are old enough to retire. Others move to other companies for better career growth. Companies also promote people to higher positions. All these leave some posts vacant, and this can greatly affect the performance of the organisation. Companies must make sure that there is someone to immediately take over a vacant position and perform as well as the person who has left. This requires succession planning, and the MBA in HR teaches that it is the responsibility of the HR manager to ensure this. 

Companies benefit a lot from having an efficient HR manager. One can learn the skills needed for the job in the Executive Post-Graduate Programme In HRM offered by IIM Raipur. You can learn more about this job on our website. Let us now look at the skills HR professionals must possess to do their jobs well. 

Essential Skills For HR Professionals

1. Communication

It is an essential skill for HR professionals as they must communicate with everyone in an organisation. It is not possible to convey a message in the same manner to people at all levels. This requires human resource officials to be very skilled in communication. They must also be able to communicate the job description when advertising for a vacancy. It will help them get the right person for the job. Communication skills are also essential to convey job requirements and company policies to the employees. The MBA in HR course equips the participants with excellent communication skills. 

2. Interpersonal Skills

Every employee must possess this to function well in the workplace. But HR officials need this the most among all employees. It is highly essential for them to maintain good relationships with everyone in the company. They must regularly interact with both the top and bottom levels of workers. It requires them to possess exceptional interpersonal skills. These skills are referred to as a set of qualities that help us maintain good relationships with others. Building good relationships with employees is essential for HR officials to get the correct information and feedback from them.

3. Problem-Solving Skills

Problems are part of every job. It is true with the HR department too. There can be problems because of employees, equipment or outside agencies. HR professionals must find correct solutions for these issues because work cannot be affected at any cost. These skills help officials analyse complex problems and find effective solutions for them. They must also help solve the problems of employees so that they can put their full efforts into the job. One can acquire excellent problem-solving skills by attending the MBA in HR courses. 

4. Time Management

HR managers must complete a lot of work in a day. Their work includes reporting on employee performance, solving workers' issues, checking the absences of staff members, etc. Another important task that these people must perform is resolving issues between employees. All of these require them to have a lot of time on their hands. Time management is a skill that they must cultivate if they have to complete all tasks successfully. Using the right tools for different tasks is also a way to manage time efficiently. Time management skills are part of the curriculum in MBA in HR programmes. 

5. Decision-Making

HR managers must support both the top management and the employees. Many times they will find themselves caught between the two. It is here that there is a need to make the right decisions. Sometimes the decisions may favour the management and affect the employees. At other times it may be the reverse. What is important is to make the correct decisions based on the facts at hand. HR officials must make sure to collect all relevant facts and analyse them carefully before coming to a decision. The MBA in HR programmes can help you develop this skill.

6. Ethics

It is necessary that HR managers cultivate ethics and implement them in the firm. They are responsible for upholding the set values of the company at all levels. It will greatly improve employee trust in the firm. Being ethical also helps to earn the trust and respect of customers. Everyone likes to buy from organisations that treat their employees well. When you practise ethics in the workplace, it ensures fair and equal treatment of all workers regardless of their position. An MBA in HR teaches the participants that they must not discriminate against any employee on the basis of age, gender, race, or disability. 

7. Organisation Skills

The HR department in the firm probably has the maximum paperwork. This department also holds a number of documents pertaining to employees. Being organised is essential for HR professionals to be able to retrieve a document when required. Good organisational skills also help the officials to manage the huge amount of information in their hands. If the HR personnel are not organised, it is possible that they may lose some important documents pertaining to workers. Remaining organised helps HR officials to spend more time on the welfare of the workers instead of on procedures. 

8. Technical Knowledge

HR officials must collect a lot of information and use it for the benefit of the company. Organising such information and analysing needs these professionals to be technically savvy. They must know how to use the latest tools for recording and using employee information. These professionals must know the use of new tools that will help them organise data about workers and their performance. Keeping pace with the latest technology helps them use modern software for maintaining attendance, leave, etc. The MBA in HR will also familiarise you with tools to calculate salaries and wages.

9. Adaptability

Change is very common in today's fast-paced business environment. It is essential that managers adapt to changes and adjust quickly. The pandemic has drastically changed working methods. But HR officials were quick to bring the changes and help employees adjust to working from home. Such adaptability is highly essential as technology also changes quickly, and employees must be trained to use the new ones. Changes in the market will also affect the way HR officials look for suitable people for different posts. You can learn the skills to adapt by attending MBA in HR courses offered by reputed institutions. 

10. Leadership

Leadership skills are highly essential for HR managers. They must be able to inspire their team members to put in their best efforts for the welfare of company employees. Good leaders will also help their team members think innovatively and come up with unique solutions to problems. Capable leaders don't need to micromanage their team members. They can be sure that the employees will do their work on their own. Good HR leaders will anticipate problems and ensure that they have a solution ready when it happens. Good leadership skills can be acquired by attending MBA in HR courses at prestigious institutions. 

It is clear that online MBA courses are the best way to acquire the skills needed for an HR job. But you must choose the right course if you must become an able human resource professional at the end of it. 

How To Choose The Right Course?



1. Accreditation

The first thing you must check when joining a course is its accreditation. It is essential that you enrol on a programme offered by reputed institutions because then you can be sure that the course will maintain good academic standards. Another important need for good accreditation is that it ensures better employability. Employers look for people with certificates from reputed institutions. It is best to choose an MBA in HR from B-schools that are known for their expensive curriculum that covers all aspects of the subject. 

2. Curriculum

Study the curriculum well. There are various courses that offer similar certifications. But not all of them have the same curriculum. Depending on the college that offers it and the duration of the course, the number of topics discussed can vary. You must make sure that the curriculum covers all the topics that are essential for you to become a proficient HR professional. You can check the topics on the website of the institution. Compare it with the skills that you need to acquire and make sure they match. 

3. Flexibility

Working professionals need flexibility with their studies. They cannot attend a full-time course as most of them cannot leave their jobs to study. It means that you must look at online courses that conduct classes during the evenings and weekends. It is also essential to ensure that there is enough flexibility to allow you to study at your pace without interfering with your work. It will ensure that you gain the capabilities you need without performing badly in your existing job. Choosing an online MBA in HR from a reputed institution will satisfy your need for flexibility. 

4. Faculty

The faculty is very important in courses like these. You learn more from their experience and practical knowledge than from the books. You must make sure that the faculty is highly qualified and has expertise in the HR field. They must possess enough experience to explain real-life issues you will face and the solutions for them. Having a good faculty will allow you to learn more practical lessons in the MBA in HR programme that you can apply to your job immediately. 

5. Support

It is not enough that the curriculum is extensive and covers all topics. You must get support from the professors and mentors when needed. Support also includes guidance for getting a good job. Many courses also offer mentorship to budding entrepreneurs. The other support that you will need is in the form of adequate reading material that will help you learn more than what is covered in the syllabus. The MBA in HR course that you select must provide you with all these supports. 

The Executive Post-Graduate Programme In HRM is an excellent course for those managers looking to gain advanced capability in HR management and move to higher positions. You can find more details about this course on our website. 

Summing Up

With the huge increase in the number of courses available on various subjects, it is not easy to enrol on one that can help you gain new capabilities. However, you must be careful when selecting the course and ensure that it can provide everything that you seek. It is wise to check the course details completely before joining it. One way to ensure that the certification you get will help you improve your employability is to enrol in courses offered by the top institutions in the country. Such certificates will be highly valued by all the big companies worldwide. 

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