What is IIM's ePGP? Who can join the course?

What is IIM's ePGP? Who can join the course?

Earning a management degree in any specialisation can improve your career prospects like never before. Such qualifications can greatly benefit those stuck in a junior or middle-level managerial position. People who possess technical qualifications and find it difficult to move forward can study such courses and aspire for high positions in their companies. But it is difficult for people to leave their jobs and attend college. It is here that online courses like EPGP IIM help a lot. People can get a valuable degree from this prestigious institution without leaving their jobs. 

The Executive Post-Graduate Programme In HRM from IIM Raipur is one such course that can greatly help those aspiring to become HR managers in their firms. More details about this course are available on our website. 

Why Is Continuous Learning Important For Working People?

1. Learn New Skills

Technology is developing faster than we can imagine. New methods of managing businesses are also being tried around the globe. You must gain the necessary skills if you want to use new technologies and modern management methods in your company. The only way to gain these capabilities is to continue to study even while working. Learning while working helps you gain proficiency in new skills. IIM EPGP programmes are an excellent way to fill your skill gaps. With these new capabilities, you are making yourself more useful to the organisation and improving your chances of promotion. 

2. Improved Confidence

Confidence in yourself is essential to be successful in your job. Confidence comes from knowledge of work-related matters. As the demand for skills increases at the workplace, it is necessary for you also to learn them and gain confidence. When you are confident, you will become more productive. Your confidence in work can also inspire your team members to work more efficiently. Increased confidence can also make you bold enough to take up higher responsibilities in the firm. Attending EPGP IIM programmes helps you gain the confidence to do more than what is expected of you by your management. 

3. Increased Productivity

Learning while working equips you to do your work in a better way. You learn to use new tools and technology to complete your tasks faster. Attending a course while working teaches you new processes that save time and money. The leadership qualities you gain in such courses can help you guide your team to work more efficiently and quickly. All these will help you increase your productivity. When you improve your productivity after attending IIM EPGP programmes, your company will consider you for higher responsibilities. 

4. Become More Innovative

Innovation is highly essential in today's business environment. One must continue to find new ways to make work more efficient and fast. Moreover, the increasing competition in the market and changing conditions demand new solutions. If you stick to traditional working methods, you cannot progress in your career. You will also be pulling down the firm's performance. Continuous learning while working helps you find innovative solutions to everyday problems. Learning to use new tools at the EPGP IIM courses can help you develop innovative solutions that help your company stay above the competition. 

5. Better Career Guidance

Many people are at crossroads and wondering what career change to make for the quick achievement of professional goals. When you attend courses with highly experienced and educated faculty, you may get excellent guidance for your career. At such times the professors in these courses can help you greatly. Those studying with you at the IIM EPGP courses can also expose you to new career opportunities. Such career guidance will enable you to choose the right job to boost your professional growth. Courses in HRM will teach you how to provide career guidance to your subordinates.

6. Become A Leader

There is a lot of difference between being a manager and a leader. Managers will manage present-day problems and their team members. Leaders anticipate issues and offer innovative solutions for them. Moreover, leaders get work done by their team members by inspiring them with their actions. Most management courses teach you valuable leadership skills like empathy, communication, analytical thinking, etc. These skills help you get better productivity out of your team members. You also earn their respect and trust with your empathy and listening skills. Attending EPGP IIM courses can help you become a better leader for your team. 

7. Prepare For Higher Education

Learning while working can prepare you for higher education. Many courses specialise in specific subjects. When you attend such courses while you work, you will gain enough proficiency to join higher education courses in the same subject. Learning more on the same subject can help you become a subject expert and contribute more to your organisation. Specialising in specific business roles can also help you start your consulting firm and increase your earning potential. IIM EPGP programmes help you gain expertise in various subjects useful for your organisation. 

8. Gain Unique Opportunities

Not all jobs are unique. There are various unique positions in companies that everyone craves. It can help you earn a high salary and enjoy benefits that other positions don't offer. Moreover, taking up unique projects can enable you to move out of your hometown and experience life in other places. But to gain such unique opportunities you must possess special skills that you can gain only by systematic learning. The EPGP IIM programmes are ideal for gaining proficiency in skills that will lead you to special opportunities. 

9. Enhanced Job Satisfaction

Lack of satisfaction in a job is one of the primary reasons for people leaving an organisation. When you gain more knowledge in your work and can help your company move faster to their business goals, you become happier in your job. Being happy about your job makes you stay in the company for longer and achieve better career advancement. Managers also prefer people who are more proficient in skills that are necessary for the job. They are more likely to consider such people for promotions or salary hikes. IIM EPGP courses help you gain skills to excel in your job. 

10. Access To Learning Resources

Many courses offer additional learning materials that are not part of the curriculum. It helps increase your knowledge about the subject and gain more proficiency in necessary skills. Many online courses have highly experienced faculty who can give you tips about handling everyday problems in your job. When attending online courses like the EPGP IIM programmes, you also get access to the institution's virtual library, which holds a huge quantity of reading materials that can help you in your job. You also have access to various case studies as part of the course, and this helps you find solutions for practical problems.

11. Build A Better Team

Managers or team leaders cannot achieve success without the support of their team members. When there are employees from different backgrounds working in a team, it is not easy getting them to have a cordial relationship and work together. But when you attend courses in management, one of the main subjects you learn is team-building. Most of the IIM EPGP courses teach you various methods by which you can make your team more productive. You also learn how to resolve conflicts between employees and ensure a more cohesive team. 

12. Understand Different Perspectives

Not everyone looks at a problem in the same way. People from different financial, educational and social backgrounds view everyday problems in different ways and have different solutions for them. It may not be easy to understand their perspectives on various matters. But when you attend a course while working, it can put you in close contact with people from different regions. Online courses like the EPGP IIM programmes even have participants from other countries. It provides you with an opportunity to learn different perspectives and understand your team members better. 

We have seen how continuous learning, even while working, helps you greatly in your job. The Executive Post-Graduate Programme In HRM is one course that can help HR professionals acquire more skills. You can find more details about this course on our website. 

Online Learning

It is quite clear that if you want to learn while you work, online courses are the best. Most people cannot leave their jobs and attend college. Financial commitments prevent them from leaving their jobs. It is for these people that online learning is very useful. But it is not easy for everyone to learn online while being employed full-time. You need to change your lifestyle and make a lot of adjustments to do full justice to your course and work. Let us look at ways in which you can manage both your work and studies. 

Tips To Make Online Learning A Success

1. Have A Plan

Having a plan for your course is as important as planning for your work. As soon as you get your curriculum and course structure, it is best to plan the time you will devote to your studies. Apart from live classes, you may have to dedicate some time to reading other materials and completing assignments. Note your exam dates and mark them in your calendar. Plan your work in such a way that you can take time off for your studies and exams. When joining the IIM EPGP programme make sure that you make a plan for studies and work.

2. Inform Your Employer

It is not wise to join a course without getting approval from your employer. Most companies encourage their employees to attend courses and acquire new skills. Some firms even sponsor their workers to undergo such training. Telling your management about the course in advance also helps you take time off when there are important assignments or exams. Your bosses will also understand if you want to reduce your workload during the period of your course. Giving advance information about your EPGP IIM course will also help your company prepare to give you additional responsibilities based on the skills you learn. 

3. Manage Your Time Well

The most difficult thing that most people experience when working and studying at the same time is to find time for both. It is necessary to manage your time well so that you don'tdon't reduce your concentration in both. Using time effectively means using your free time for studies. The time you take to commute to your office can be used well by reading offline lessons or listening to recorded lectures. Lunch times are excellent for reading too. Making use of such free time will help you spend some time with your family and still complete your IIM EPGP course.

4. Keep A Place For Your Studies

Studying needs your full concentration. You must not be disturbed by your family members or office staff. Make sure you designate a place for your studies. You can use a cabin in the office that is not used much for your studies. In some offices, there are small meeting cubicles that are not occupied all the time. These are ideal for studies because most of them shut out noises. At home, you must make a place for your live classes where you will surely be left alone. Keep that place clean and well-organised when attending your EPGP IIM classes.

5. Use Technology

Whether it is to attend live classes or take notes, it is always better to use the latest technologies available. There are various apps and software programmes that help you attend classes without any disturbance. You can also use apps for taking notes and storing them safely. Handwritten notes on paper can get lost if you are not careful. Even if you write it down, make sure you take a photo and keep it in safe storage. You can also use apps to remind you of classes and assignments in your IIM EPGP course. 

6. Use Off-Days And Vacations Well

You may have used your holidays to sleep late or go out with family and friends. But once you have started learning along with your work, you cannot waste these days. They are the best days to catch up on your studies. You can use them to do your assignments or read offline lessons. You can even learn lessons in advance and get an edge over others. Holidays also help you study without worrying about reaching the office or completing official work. When you join EPGP IIM online courses, you must inform your family that you are not free for social activities.

7. Take Care Of Yourself

No professional goal is worth spoiling your health. When you are studying along with working, it is natural for people to forgo sleep or eat properly. One must not do that for any cause. You will end up spoiling your health. Only when you get enough sleep will you be able to concentrate on your work or studies? If you don't eat on time, you will likely fall ill during your exams or assignments. When attending your IIM EPGP course, ensure to take at least a short time off every day. 

8. Interact With Everyone

One of the biggest advantages of online courses is that you get to have people from different regions and cultures as your classmates. It can be of great advantage to networking with all these people. Even if you are not joining them in group assignments, you must make sure to communicate with them regularly. Interacting with your peers can give you fresh perspectives into many problems you face in your work. Keeping in touch with your peers from the EPGP IIM courses can help you in your work and in finding new job opportunities. 

Understanding The EPGP Programme From IIM

The Executive Post-Graduate Programme aims to provide higher learning for working professionals without disturbing their professional work. These are meant for those having a few too many years of working experience. Senior managers can use these courses to learn the latest skills and move to the chief executive or department head positions. Middle-level managers benefit from these courses as they can understand new methods of management. This course also benefits junior-level managers to move to the next higher position. The IIM EPGP course is also useful for those looking for a career change. 

EPGP programmes are structured in such a way as to be easy for working professionals to attend live classes. The classes are held during weekends and in the evenings on weekdays. It is served directly to devices as live classes. The course also offers recorded lessons for people to gain in-depth knowledge of the subject. These programmes are made in such a way that working professionals can learn the latest skills that are needed for today's competitive market conditions. Attending an EPGP IIM programme prepares its participants for higher posts in the future, either within the country or out of it. 

Advantages Of IIM EPGP Courses


1. Get An IIM Degree

The biggest benefit of attending these courses from IIMs is that you get a certificate from this prestigious institution. Employers around the globe value IIMs greatly, and a certificate from them will open many doors for you. Having the IIM name on your resume is enough to give you more chances at employment than others. Having this degree will make you more employable and increase your earning potential greatly. 

2. Learn From The Best

When you join an IIM EPGP course, you are sure to learn from the best minds in the country. The professors at these prestigious institutions are highly qualified and carry with them many years of experience. There are members of the faculty with experience in particular industries. They can teach you real-life problems and their solutions. The professors at the IIMs can also be guides and mentors to lead you to the most suitable jobs for you. They also provide support for entrepreneurs.

3. Become An IIM Alumni

Becoming an IIM alumnus doesn't just improve your respect in society. It also connects with some of the best minds in the country. Those who have left the institution are in high positions, and their contacts can help you greatly in your profession. IIM alumni are committed to helping their peers, and this means that you can approach them for career guidance and to get better job opportunities. They also help IIM graduates who have started their businesses. 

4. Engaging Teaching Method

The EPGP IIM courses use a combination of various teaching methods for the participants. There are live classes by highly qualified professors. One will also learn practical problems from case studies that are discussed throughout the course. Discussions with peers are another way to learn about real-life problems faced in various regions of the world and the solutions for them. Classes by industry experts teach students the latest management methods used in businesses. One can also discuss practical problems and find solutions through collaborative projects. 

5. Career And Entrepreneurial Support

These courses don't just teach you and make you an expert in the field. They also help you find good job opportunities most suitable for you. Following the course, there is a six-month-long personalised career support service where you can interact directly with mentors to find a job that suits you best. Apart from this, some mentors guide those who aspire to start their businesses. 

People from any management level can join IIM EPGP courses and use them to move to the next level in their organisation. These courses also help those who are looking for a career change. The Executive Post-Graduate Programme In HRM is one such course aimed at professionals in the HR field. You can find more details about this course on our website. 

Summing Up

Moving forward in your career can be difficult nowadays because of severe competition. It is not easy getting a promotion or a good job in another company unless you have all the necessary skills. Technology is moving at a fast pace and if you want to use them in your work for better efficiency, you must acquire the capabilities for that. Attending online courses from reputed institutions is the best way to fill the skill gaps and move forward in your career. 


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